Under Islamic Law, Nikah can be performed orally and such a Nikah is not invalidated merely because it is not registered, according to Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961. 
however, that Ordinance provides a punishment if one contravenes the provisions regarding the registration of Nikah.

witnesses deposing in favor of performance of Nikah being close relatives and interested witnesses

who could not be terms as Adil witnesses. statement of such witnesses not reliable. 
Nikah must be read as a whole and must be given effect to the intention of its maker and the contents to be interpreted in accordance with intent and purpose as being conveyed by entries made in the document. 
No word can be added, engrafted, subtracted, or omitted while interpreting the document.

When the document itself is unambiguous, putting up its language with a speculative opinion or using surrounding circumstances in order to portray the instrument as different in nature is not 
punishable in law.
All the words to be read in the context of the rest of the document and give them their simple or ordinary 


The legislature has provided that FOUR copies of NIKAHNAMA should be prepared to be kept
by Registrar of Nikah, the Second one to be sent concerned Municipal Corporation, Municipal Committee, or Union Committee as the case may be, THIRD copy is to be supplied to the bride
and FOURTH one to the bridegroom. 
HIKAHNAMA validly registered under the law is a public document. Where execution 
of NIKAHNAMA is disputed, the case cannot be treated as a public document. 
If marriage is questioned on the ground of FRAUD or MISREPRESENTATION, the remedy would not be available with the Family Court, but with the Court of general jurisdiction. 
NIKAHNAMA being a public document and execution of which is verified by Nikah Registrar 
who is a public officer, even a certified copy may be produced in proof of its contents and in the 
absence of any  rebuttal same holds ground without requiring the production of witnesses to prove 
the same.
COPY issued by Nikah Registrar or Security of union council is admissible in EVIDENCE.

Matters involving Nikah between the parties should be resolved by the Family Court and not by police.
For cases pertaining to custody of children, courts were not supposed to go into technicalities of law and should decide the case keeping in view the facts and circumstances of each case, mainly taking
into consideration the welfare of the child.


Entries relating to alienation of property in lieu of dower does not make it an instrument of 
document of transfer of property but merely as a record of it. Document of NIKAHNAMA 
coupled with the evidence of the person who solemnized such NIKAH and witnessed all 
the recitals contained therein would be sufficient in the ordinary course to prove the factum 
of alienation of property unless there is a strong rebuttal of it.


column 19 of NIKAHNAMA provides for mentioning restrictions, if any, on the right of a husband to divorce. A line drawn in this case against column 19 does not disentitle the wife to recover 

anything from her husband on the basis of another agreement restricting the right of divorce of husband 


law and learning by Nasra ikram

I am an attorney in Pakistan, Practicing law since 2009 and M.A Political Science. I’m a dedicated and experienced lawyer offering my services to assist clients with drafting contracts, agreements, Will, Deed, Cease and Desist letter and others with understanding of complexities of legal requirements, intellectual property, review documents and legal consultation on all types of litigations i.e. Family, Civil, Banking and others I'm also freelancer at Upwork and Fiverr My others skills are: I. Content Writing II. Website Development III. Graphic Designing IV. Virtual Assistance V. Ecommerce VI. WordPress VII. Video Editing VIII. Autocade I'm also tutor and teaches LLB all subjects.


  1. Most people want to know if they can receive a nikah form online in Pakistan. The explanation is that they are unable to obtain an online nikah form in Pakistan. There are several reasons why an online nikah form cannot be obtained in Pakistan. One of the reasons is that the province government issues this nikah nama form with a serial number. A full book of nikah nama with a serial number is supplied to a nikah registrar in Pakistan. There are 100 sets of nikah nama in each book of nikah nama.For Nikah nama details. check this

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