A dictatorship can be defined as a form of government in which the power is centralized. It either lies with a single person or a small group of people. The general population has no say in the functioning of the government. The people do have no choice regarding by whom or how their country will be run. In a dictatorship form of government, the people are expected to do, whatever is decided for them by the dictator. China, Zimbabwe, Egypt, and Canada, among many others, follow a dictatorship form of government.


A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator, without hereditary ascension


It has three possible meanings:

1. Roman Dictator 

 A Roman dictator is a public political office of the Roman Republic. Roman dictators were allocated absolute power during times of emergency. Their power was originally neither arbitrary nor unaccountable, being subject to the law and requiring retrospective justification. There were no such dictatorships after the beginning of the 2nd century BC, and later dictators such as Sulla and the Roman Emperor exercised power much more personally and arbitrarily.


A government is controlled by one person or a small group of people.

3. Autocratic form of absolute rule:

In contemporary usage, dictatorship refers to an autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state.


One Party, One Leader, and One Programmed 


In a dictatorship, only one party is allowed to exist and it is the dictator's own party. Other political parties, associations, and organizations are not allowed to function. These are banned. All opposition to the dictator is ruthlessly suppressed. Hitler used to say, " Swastika or gallows".


Under dictatorship, leadership is given to a single man. Full faith is to be concentrated in the leader. The leader is supposed to represent national unity. He is considered to be a symbol of national prestige. He is the final authority in every matter and his word is supreme.


The whole country is supposed to have one political program, the program dictator's own party.  

2. Absence of individual liberty:

The individual does not enjoy rights to any rights to maximum liberty. People are not allowed any liberty of speech association and press. All agencies of education and propaganda such as schools, colleges, radio, papers, and films are controlled by the state. In the words of Mussolini, " people do not want liberty but they want law and order.

" No criticism against the dictator is tolerated. People are supposed to believe and obey. Democratic slogans of liberty and equality fraternity are replaced by slogans like duty, discipline, and sacrifice. Mussolini asserted, " Liberty is a dead carcass,  I kick it."

3. National Glorification:

Dictators glorify their nations to an illogical extreme. A mad sense of patriotism is inculcated in the minds of people. They are made intensely nationalistic.

4. Glorification of war:

Dictators glorify war. War is considered to be essential for the normal health of the body politic. The state is powerful and it must enhance its prestige. The dictators adopt a warlike policy and glorify brute force as the means for achieving national greatness. In the opinion of Hitler, "In eternal warfare, mankind has become great; in eternal peace, it will be ruined." 

To quote Mussolini, "War is to the man what maternity is to the woman."

5. Totalitarian state:

Dictatorship is a totalitarian state which controls each and every aspect of human personality and takes into its fold all human activities in the social, economic, political, educational, religious, and cultural spheres.

No margin for individual liberty is left stay estate behind. " Nothing against the stay estate, everything for the state, nothing outside the state" is the basic principle of dictatorship.

6. Racialism:

Dictators preach racialism. The Germans under Hitler regarded themselves to be superior to the belonged people living in the rest of the world. They claimed that they belonged to the ancient Aryan stock. As such, they regarded others themselves to be superior and Advantage others. 

Similarly, the Italians claimed that they belonged to the race of the ancient Roman conqueror and that they had a divine mission to conquer the world.

Advantages of dictatorship:

Now that we know what is dictatorship, let us try to understand what are the advantages of dictatorship.

1. Stable Government

As in a dictatorship, the decision-making lies with only one person and others do not have any say in the working of the government, it offers a kind of stability to the country. Problems such as frequent elections, as in the case of democracy, or disruption of peace due to political factions, do not arise in a dictatorship.

2. Less Room for Corruption

Another advantage is penalties a dictator is very stringent regarding the rules, regulations, penalties, punishments, and rewards. This makes the people working under him less liable founder for corruption.

3. Most efficient during emergencies

When a country faces a kind of emergency situation such as a health situation or health epidemic, a dictatorship government can prove to be the more efficient one. The reason is that all the decisions are taken by one person, so there is no ambiguity with that are fixed to cope with the emergency situation. So, emergency of the main advantages of dictatorship is that it is better equipped to face emergencies.

4. Lesser crime rate

Most dictatorship governments are police states. So, in a way, there is a low crime rate under Another regime. Neither reason for a better law situation states is that various laws are passed immediately, without any discussion or waiting for public opinion on them. This leads to better control over crimes too.

5. "Things happen" Quickly

In a dictatorship form of government all things, whether related to governance or businesses or anything else, happen much quicker than in other types of government. The reason for this is the same i.e. decision-making and lie decision-making person.

These are some of the advantages of dictatorship.

Advantages though, for these advantages to translating into real life, a dictator needs to be selfless, benevolent, well-experienced, and intelligent. A making decision dictator has unlimited power, if he does not possess these qualities, the disadvantages of dictatorship, such as oppression of people, no freedom of choice for the people, accumulation of wealth in a few hands, loss of civil rights, flawed decision- making decision-making, etc. Can lead the country, to try toward a wrong the wrong enjoy rights the path.

Disadvantages of dictatorship

1. Abolition of fundamental rights

Dictatorship may deal with emergencies and critical situations effectively, but this form of government cannot suit normal times. No one is really good enough to be entrusted with absolute or irresponsible power, power corrupts a man and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is a lesson of history that dictatorship generally assumes the form of a reign of terror. Mussolini in Italy and Hitler ruthlessly suppressed the civil liberties and other rights of the people. Force and fear were the foundations of their rule.

2. Unstable form of government

Dictatorship by its very nature is not a stable form of government what is created by force cannot last long. After some years, it brings about its end by excess or misdeeds, as in Germany and Italy. Besides, there is no guaran, tee that a good dictator will have a good successor. A dictator cannot dictator the rise of leaders lest they should later prove serious rivals to him. When he dies or is assassinated, there are no capable persons to take his place. The structure may, therefore, crumble down at any moment.

3. Enemy of international peace.

 Dictatorship is an enemy of international peace. Dictators almost start on a mad career of military conquests and territorial expansion, which results in war. Dictatorship means the crushing of individual liberty and the suppression of human personality violence hand, democracy loves peace because it is based on people's consent.

4. Force people's violence.

In a dictatorship, decisions are made by forces of conformity and uniform enormity tolerated of opinions among people. Disagreement with the government is regarded as a sin in dictatorship and suppressed without mercy. Dictatorship crushes opposition and forbids criticism of the government because they are believed to destroy the unity of the state and hinder its progress.

5. Dictatorship leads to apathy in public life.

As no opposition and criticism of the government are permitted or tolerated under the dictatorship, the people become indifferent and apathetic to the affairs of the state. In a dictatorship, people are asked not to think but to obey the leader and follow him blindly wherever he leads them. A Dictator destroys the possibility of developing human personality, learning, literature, and art.

6. Fascist dictatorship spreads war and aggression

 A fascist dictatorship is openly revenge-seeking, aggressive imperialistic, and hostile toward other nations. It is born with a sword in its hands and prepares feverishly for war and conquest. The fascist dictatorship hates peace and friendship among nations of the world and ridicules and scorns the ideals of human brotherhood and love. Fascism and Nazism believe in race superiority and racialism. 

law and learning by Nasra ikram

I am an attorney in Pakistan, Practicing law since 2009 and M.A Political Science. I’m a dedicated and experienced lawyer offering my services to assist clients with drafting contracts, agreements, Will, Deed, Cease and Desist letter and others with understanding of complexities of legal requirements, intellectual property, review documents and legal consultation on all types of litigations i.e. Family, Civil, Banking and others I'm also freelancer at Upwork and Fiverr My others skills are: I. Content Writing II. Website Development III. Graphic Designing IV. Virtual Assistance V. Ecommerce VI. WordPress VII. Video Editing VIII. Autocade I'm also tutor and teaches LLB all subjects.

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